Review Article

Trends towards Effective Analysis of Fluorinated Compounds Using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS)

Table 2

Trends towards the selective nontargeted analysis of fluorinated complexes in ICP-MS.

SampleSample preparationNebulizerTechniqueLODAnalyteInterferencesInterference correctionsRemarksReference

TeaMicrowave digestionMicromistICP-MS-MS0.022 μg/LBa-F+ (m/z 157)138Ba-OH+>157Gd+O2, NH3/HeThe sensitivity of157Gd+ in ICP-MS is 1000 times greater than that of138Ba19 F+ before the addition of NH3 and O2 as reaction gases[43]
SeawaterAcid digestionCocentric pneumaticICP-MS0.1 ng/mLAl-F2+ (m/z 27)Mg2+
Long ion-exchange column and EDTAPresents lowest LOD ever reported in ICP-MS.
Fluoride determination is influenced by the excess of aluminum added to the sample.
DrugWet and acid-digestionPFA microcentric pneumaticHR-ICP-MS5 μg/mLF+ (m/z 19)1H316O1
Medium resolution was used (m/△m ≈ 4000)It does not necessitate extensive sample preparation[47]
WaterExtractionETVETV-ICP-MS3200 μg/LF+(m/z 19)18OH+
Elevating the temperature in the vaporizer and the sampling depth to 10 mmThe interferences become prominent when the depth from the sampling orifice is insufficient (<10 mm); however, higher depths reduce 18OH+ interference and increase 19F+ intensity.
Can be used for gaseous FCs even if the molecules contain oxygen atoms.
River waterSPEMicromist pneumaticHPLC-ICP-MS-MS22 μg/L for fluoride.
110 μg/L for fluoroacetate.
Ba-F+(m/z 157)138Ba16O+138Ba16O1H+157Gd+O2, H2, O2/H2Suitable for analysis of samples containing multiple FCs and quantification of unknown FCs with respect to their fluorine content.
HPLC reduces a significant amount of interferences from metal ions.
WaterSPEMicromistHPLC-ICP-MS-MS-ESI-MS0.49 mg/L for PFAsBa-F+ (m/z 157)138Ba16O+138Ba16O1H+O2The undetectable FCs in ESI-MS were detected in ICP-MS.
Can be used to mine ESI-MS data.
O2 could not eliminate carbon-based interferences.
The use of O2 increased interferences from138Ba16O1H+