Research Article

Comparative Snake Venom Analysis for Facilitating Wildlife Forensics: A Pilot Study

Table 1

Details of various machine and experiment parameters of LC-MS/MS analysis of snake venoms.

General reverse-phase nano-liquid chromatography parametersGeneral Mass spectrometer parametersDatabase searching parameters

Instrument name: Thermo Scientific Easy-nLC 1200Instrument name: Thermo Scientific Q Exactive OrbitrapSoftware used: Proteome Discoverer 2.2
(i) Amount of peptide loaded on column: ∼3 µg
(ii) Analytical column name: PepMap RSLC C18 2µm × 50 cm (Thermo scientific)
(iii) Column temperature: 400 C
General setting:
(i) Run time: 0 to 140 min
(ii) Polarity: Positive
(iii) Default charge state: 2
MS (MS1) setting:
(i) Microscan: 1
(ii) Resolution: 70000
(iii) AGC (Automatic gain control) 3e6
(iv) Maximum IT (ion transfer) time: 50 ms
(v) No. of scan ranges: 1
(vi) Scan ranges: 350 to 1700m/z
(vii) Spectrum obtained was in profile mode
MS MS (MS2) setting:
(i) Microscan: 1
(ii)Resolution: 17500
(iii)AGC (Automatic gain control) 2e5
(iv)Maximum IT (ion transfer) 100 ms
(v) Loop count: 15 (top 15 masses will be fragmented one by one)
(vi) Maximum number of precursor to be plexed in single event:
(vii) Isolation window: 1.2 m/z
(viii) Isolation offset: 0.0 m/z
(ix) Fixed first mass: 100 m/z
(x) Normalized collision energy: 27
(xi) Data dependent settings
(xii) Minimum AGC target: 1.20e2
(xiii) Charge exclusion: unassigned, 1, 7, 8, >8
(xiv) Dynamic exclusion time: 50.0 S
Database of SERPENTES was directly downloaded from in fasta format.
(i) Maximum allowed missed cleavage: 2
(ii) Minimum peptide length for search: 2
(iii) Maximum peptide length: 144
(iv) Precursor mass tolerance: 10 ppm
(v) Fragment mass tolerance: 0.02 Da
(vi) Dynamic modification: Oxidation of Methionine and Acetylation at N terminus
(vii) Static modification: Carbamidomethylation
(viii) Target FDR (false discovery rate): 0.01 (for decoy database search)
(ix) Validation was based on q value.