Research Article

Sedation and Regional Anesthesia for Deep Brain Stimulation in Parkinson’s Disease

Table 1

Patient characteristics, procedural duration, and emergence time.

Gender F/M ()14/11
Age (yr)54.45 (10.39)
Weight (kg)68.66 (4.32)
BMI (kg/m2)25.29 (5.50)
Procedure duration (min)323.75 (64.53)
Emergence time (min)19.61 (19.94)
Duration of MER and  
macrostimulation (one side) (min)
27.69 (20.06)
Duration of MER and  
macrostimulation (other side) (min)
23 (16.93)

BMI: body mass index; MER: microelectrode recordings.
Values are mean (standard deviation) and numbers.