Clinical Study

Postprandial Hypotension in Clinical Geriatric Patients and Healthy Elderly: Prevalence Related to Patient Selection and Diagnostic Criteria

Table 3

Characteristics of the subjects (elderly patients and healthy elderly individuals) with postprandial hypotension defined as 20/ 30 mmHg systolic fall.

Patients ( out of 22)Healthy elderly ( out of 20)Range*

Start (min)34 27/23 834 25/21 130–104/10–36NS/NS
Max fall (mmHg)**39 1931 8.320–79NS
Time of max fall (min)**58 2748 2510–110NS
Duration (min)**42 36/35 2928 26/17 222–108/2–70NS/NS
Change in HR (bpm)8 74 5 11–12NS
Presence of complaints ( )13/74/0NS/0.01
Start complaints (min)33 3036 270–84NS
Duration complaints (min)55 2943 3214–90NS

Mean standard deviation.
*All PPH positives.
**Data about the fall in systolic BP.
: statistical difference between the groups (NS: not significant, when the difference is .05).