Research Article

Successful Aging and Longevity in Older Old Women: The Role of Depression and Cognition

Table 2

Results of logistic regression predicting incidence of mortality between 2000 and 2006.

Predicting death between 2000 and 2006Predicting death between 2000 and 2008
Variable SEWaldExp( ) 95% CI SEWaldExp( ) 95% CI

Self-rated health0.170.093.21§.98–1.420.–1.41
2000 CESD score0.080.044.26*1.00–§.99–1.16
1998–2000 TICS Drop0.350.212.81§.94––1.62

Note. BMI: Body Mass Index. CVB: cerebrovascular burden, self-rated health change: change in self-rated health from previous wave, CESD: Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale, TICS: Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status. TICS Drop reflects incidence of decline on TICS score greater than 6 points between 1998 and 2000.
§ between  .05 and  .10, * , ψ , df = 1 for all comparisons.