Research Article

Association of Social Engagement with Brain Volumes Assessed by Structural MRI

Table 4

Cluster statistics from voxel-wise analysis.

𝑋 𝑌 𝑍 Maximum 𝑡 -statisticUnadjusted 𝑃 valueCluster size Cluster 𝑃 value

Gray matter

−42 50 −54 4.230.0000245810.05
−3 51 −66 4.230.0000125010.14
−65 −17 21 3.970.0000412780.34
64 4 15 3.780.0000910290.43
−46 −14 −63 4.160.000029080.48
−56 −32 −64 4.080.000038920.49
−65 17 −14 3.860.000075110.68
−57 66 −25 3.90.000063150.74
57 1 −46 3.730.000112720.76
17 71 −31 3.540.000232270.79
30 −37 32 3.470.000291620.82
−50 14 −39 3.260.000621190.82

White matter

24 −21 12 3.950.0000532210.10
−14 18 3 4.060.0000325920.14
23 20 9 4.120.0000219040.23
13 −47 −15 3.450.000317970.44
35 45 −21 3.460.000301980.77
27 41 −6 3.330.000481020.83

Displays cluster centroid ( 𝑥 -, 𝑦 -, and 𝑧 - MNI coordinates), maximum 𝑡 -statistic within the cluster, 𝑃 value (unadjusted) of the maximum 𝑡 -statistic, cluster size in number of contiguous voxels, and permutation test-based cluster 𝑃 value. The cluster 𝑃 -value compares the size of each suprathreshold cluster to the permutation distribution of the largest cluster, thereby accounting for multiple comparisons. Only results from clusters of 100+ voxels shown.