Research Article

Participant Perspectives of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Type 2 Diabetes: Expectations and Impact

Table 4

Exemplar quotes.


Expectations of cognitive change“I wanted my brain to change in a better way. And I think this may be one way to do it. It takes a lot of work, but I think with exercise, diet, paying attention to my sugar and practicing strategies, I can at least help my brain not get worse.”
“I’m glad to do something like this. I see ads on TV all the time for vitamins for my brain, but I don’t know what works. This helps a lot and makes me think better. I like sharing with other people what I work and then I can go to my doctor too and talk about what I’ve been doing.”

Use of cognitive strategies“I had no idea I could do things to help my brain. Not all the cognitive strategies are things I’ve been able to do, but I feel like I’m making small changes and they are super useful.”
“I think the computer training was fun, but I like working on the cognitive strategies better. I spent more time on making lists and stopping to think things through than on video games.”

Effect on diabetes self-management“I’m more motivated to work on my diabetes now. I feel like I can do things that will help both my brain and my diabetes at the same time.”
“I realized that setting small goals will help diabetes and thinking about how adding may be 15 minutes of exercise here and there does a lot—it makes me feel better, it helps my sugar, and it can help me think better.”