Research Article

Highway Project Value of Money Assessment under PPP Mode and Its Application

Table 1

Toll revenue calculation parameters relationship.

ParametersProject feasibility study reportReference PSC project PPP projectReason

The average daily traffic volume of vehicle type Traffic volume forecasting more optimistic
The effective toll proportion of vehicle type See note 1
The toll standard of vehicle type No change
The length of the highway projectSee note 2

Note 1: consider the existence of special vehicles such as the military vehicles performing official duties, police cars, fire engines, and freight trucks delivering fresh agricultural projects without having to pay highway tolls.
Note 2: during Spring Festival, the Qingming Festival, the Holiday of Labors Day, and the National Day, for a total of 20 days, the passenger cars (seats less than 7), toll fee is waived; other vehicle types are the same as that in the project feasibility study report.