Research Article

A Rapid Prototyping Environment for Cooperative Advanced Driver Assistance Systems

Table 3

Sensor and communication models.


position [lat, lng]
Atmospheric errorChanges over timeMagnitude
Shadowing errorDepends on distance to buildingsMagnitude, distance weight
NoiseChanges each sampleMagnitude
DelayEmulates signal processing timeAverage time, variation

Frontal object sensor:
distance [m]
ApertureSensing on vehicle frontal axis plus angelMagnitude, steering offset
NoiseChanges each sample, grows with distanceMagnitude, distance weight
DelayEmulates signal processing timeAverage time, variation

Lane marking sensor:
distance [m, m]
NoiseChanges each sampleMagnitude
DelayEmulates signal processing timeAverage time, variation

Lateral object sensor:
Rel. position [m, m], length [m]
NoiseChanges each sampleMagnitude
DelayEmulates signal processing timeAverage time, variation
ApertureFixed angles (front/rear)Magnitude

Vehicle state:
all parameters (Sections 4.3ā€“4.7)
NoiseChanges each sampleMagnitude
DelayEmulates signal processing timeAverage time, variation

V2X ad hoc communication:
short range, 802.11p
DelayEmulates signal travel and processing timeAverage time, variation, distance weight
Packet lossLoss rate per distanceLoss rate, distance

Cellular communication:
same as V2X + region, bandwidth
RegionSpecific coverage areasCircle or polygon
Max. bandwidthReached maximum causes addition delayLimit in byte per second