Research Article

Accident Management System Based on Vehicular Network for an Intelligent Transportation System in Urban Environments

Algorithm 1

(1) Begin Algorithm 1
(2)  A candidate set of intersections
(3)  For intersection set of all intersections Do
(4)   If current path of Then
(5)    Compute the vehicle travel cost on ;
(6)    Determining the average ;
(7)    Determining the average on ;
(8)    Compute the average inflow and outflow rate s on ;
(9)    Compute the virtual queue of length on ;
(10)    Compute the total length of all virtual queues on ;
(11)    Compute the weighted intersection on ;
(12)   Else
(13)    Go to (3);
(14)   End If
(15)    If Then
(16)     Update the set ;
(17)    End If
(18)  End For
(19)  While intersection Do;
(20)     Intersection ;
(21)     For each destination Do
(22)      Find huge differential row build-up for intersections and ;
(23)      Find re-planning path length to intersection ;
(24)      Update and ;
(25)     End For
(26)      ;
(27)  End While
(28)  End Algorithm 1