Research Article

The Roles of Car Following and Lane Changing Drivers’ Anticipations during Vehicle Inserting Process: A Structural Equation Model Approach

Table 2

Observed variables and their settings.

Anticipating periodRelaxing period
Name (Unit)MeasurementName (Unit)Measurement

Exogenous observed variable (measured at the start of a period)

(m/s)-- (m/s)--
(m/s)-- (m/s)--
(m)>0 (m)>0
/ (m) (m)>0
(m)Do not consider
(m) (m)>0
(m/s)- (m/s)-
(m/s)- (m/s)-
(m/s)- (m/s)-
(binary)0=Discretionary LC; 1=Mandatory LC (binary)Do not consider
(binary)0=Red; 1=Green (binary)0=Red; 1=Green

Endogenous observed variable (measured at the end of a period)

(m)>0 (m)>0
(m)>0 (m)>0
(m)<0 (m)Do not consider
(m)>0 (m)>0
(m/s)- (m/s)-
(m/s)- (m/s)-
(m/s)- (m/s)-

Note: (1) : the FV’s speed; : the LCV’s speed; : the LV’s speed; : front gap for the FV or LCV driver; : lag gap for the FV driver; : lag gap for the LCV driver; : lead gap for the FV or LCV driver; : speed difference between the FV and the LV; : speed difference between the FV and the LCV; : speed difference between the LCV and the LV; : LC type; : the state of traffic signal.
(2) The variable measured at the first second, the EM, or the last instant of the LCV’s inserting process is marked by the superscript “1”, “EM”, or “n”, respectively.