Research Article

Optimal Operation of High-Speed Trains Using Hybrid Model Predictive Control

Algorithm 1

Solution of MILP problem.
(1) initialize , , Null;
(2) for each do
(3)  ;
(4)  obtain LP-subproblem ;
(6) end for
(7) if there are no that need to be solved then
(8)  obtain optimal performance index ;
(9)  obtain optimal solution vector ;
(10)  obtain optimal control input ;
(11) else
(12)  while do
(13)   for each do
(14)    extracting from ;
(15)    if has feasible solution then
(16)     obtain and ;
(17)    else
(18)     if satisfies and
(19)       and ;
(20)      ;
(21)     end if
(22)     if then
(23)      ;
(24)     end if
(25)     if dose not satisfy and
(26)      choose ;
(27)      ;
(28)      ;
(29)      ;
(30)     else
(31)      ;
(32)     end if
(33)     ;
(34)    end if
(35)   end for
(36)  end while
(37) end if