Review Article

An Overview of Nature-Inspired, Conventional, and Hybrid Methods of Autonomous Vehicle Path Planning

Algorithm 1

BPF algorithm.
1: procedure NAVIGATION(, , , , e, M, )
2:  i 0
3:  navigation ← True
4:  Ƥ BPF(, , , , e, M, ) Ƥ is an array
5:  while  navigation  do
6:   Perform  verification of the environment
7:   if environment has changed then
8:    qoƤ(i)
9:    Ƥ BPF(, , , , e, M, )
10:    i 0
11:   end if
12:   i i+ 1
13:   Perform  trajectory planning to navigate from Ƥ(i-1) to Ƥ(i)
14:  if i length of Ƥ then
15:   navigation← False
16:   Display  Goal has been achieved
17:  end if
18: end while
19: end procedure