Research Article

Intergreen Time Calculation Method of Signalized Intersections Based on Safety Reliability Theory: A Monte-Carlo Simulation Approach

Table 1

Variable notations in this research.

Variable notationsDescriptionUnit

Safe stopping distance(SSD)m
Critical cross distance (CCD)m
Perception-reaction time (PRT)s
Vehicular approaching velocity at the onset of yellow lightm/s
Vehicular decelerationm/s2
IGT of signalized intersections
Mean value of s
Standard deviation of s
Width of signalized intersectionm
Length of vehiclem
An setting IGT value in the signal controller for a given signalized intersections
Distribution function of
Safety reliability of signalized intersection%
Distribution function of
Mean value of s
Standard deviation of s
Distribution function of
Mean value of m/s2
Standard deviation of m/s2