Research Article

A Hybrid Method for Traffic Incident Duration Prediction Using BOA-Optimized Random Forest Combined with Neighborhood Components Analysis

Table 2

The relevant variables of traffic incident duration selected in this study.


1Incident type1: Accidents, 2: Breakdowns, 3: Debris/Pedestrian
2Incident time1: A.M., 2: P.M.
3Direction1: Northbound, 2: Southbound
4Incident location1: Lane, 2: Right Shoulder, 3: Central Divide
5Number of lanes closed1: No; 2: One, 3: More than one
6Distance from the exit1: < 0.5 miles, 2: 0.5~1 miles, 3: >1 miles
7Relative position to exit1: At the exit, 2: Front of the exit, 3: Behind the exit
8Detection type1: Call report, 2: Operator detected
9Need Police1: Yes, 2: No
10Need Ambulance1: Yes, 2: No
11Need Truck Wrecker1: Yes, 2: No
12Need firefighters1: Yes, 2: No
13Weather information1: Sunny, 2: Cloudy, 3: Light Rain, 4: Heavy Rain
14Automobile Count1: None; 2: One, 3: Two; 4: More than two
15Motorcycle Count1: None; 2: One, 3: More than one
16Heavy Truck Count1: None; 2: One, 3: More than one
17Light Truck Count1: None; 2: One, 3: More than one
18Tractor Trailer Count1: None; 2: One, 3: More than one
19Duration1: <10min, 2: 10~30min, 3: 30~60min, 4: 60~90min; 5: >90min