Research Article

Understanding Impacts of Security Check on Passenger Flow in a Metro Station and Improving Measures: A Case Study in Guangzhou, China

Table 4

Utilities of TVM, gate machines, and escalators.

EntranceEntering speed  
TVM usedGate machine usedEscalator used

A42TVM2 (35%)GATE2 (100%)ESC2 (30%), ESC4 (35%)
ESC5 (35%)

B21TVM6 (12.25%)GATE5 (100%)ESC3 (40%), ESC4 (60%)
TVM7 (22.75%)

C30TVM6 (12.25%)GATE5 (100%)ESC3 (40%), ESC4 (30%)
TVM7 (22.75%)ESC5 (30%)

D30TVM4 (17.5%)GATE4 (100%)ESC2 (40%), ESC4 (30%)
TVM5 (17.5%)ESC5 (30%)

E75TVM1 (35%)GATE1 (100%)ESC1 (70%), E2 (30%)

G48TVM3 (35%)GATE2 (60%)ESC2 (60%), ESC4 (16%)
GATE3 (40%)ESC5 (16%), ESC6 (8%)

H54TVM3 (35%)GATE2 (60%)ESC2 (40%), ESC4 (24%)
GATE3 (40%) ESC5 (24%), ESC6 (20%)

Note: the percentage in the bracelet indicates the proportion of passengers entering this entrance will use this TVM or Gate machine.