Research Article

Urban Traffic Travel Time Short-Term Prediction Model Based on Spatio-Temporal Feature Extraction

Table 1

The basic spatio-temporal features.


TTt−1The first lagging values of target variable1
TTt−2The second lagging values of target variable2
TTt−3The third lagging values of target variable3
T1The first values before the start of the forecast period4
H1The true values of the hour before the forecast period5
Average_speedThe first speed before the prediction point6
in_link1_lagging1The true values of the ith upstream road of the target7
in_link2_lagging1Road before the predicted point8
out_link1_lagging1The true values of the ith downstream road of the target9
out_link2_lagging1Road before the predicted point10
MinuteThe minute of the forecast point11
HourThe hour of the forecast point12
DayofweekThe forecast point represents the day of the week13
DayofyearThe date of the forecast point14
VacationHoliday or not15
Link-IDThe ID of each road segment16
LengthThe length of each road segment17
WidthThe width of each road segment18
AreaThe area of each road segment19