Research Article

Mass Rapid Transit Ridership Forecast Based on Direct Ridership Models: A Case Study in Wuhan, China

Table 2

Description of candidate variables.

Explaining variablesDescriptionExpected sign

PopulationTotal population within the PCA+
EmploymentTotal employment within the PCA+
Resi_AreaBuilding area of residence within the PCA+
Com_AreaBuilding area of commerce within the PCA+
Office_AreaBuilding area of office land use within the PCA+
Other_AreaBuilding area of other uses within the PCA+
Land_use_MixLand use mix index (equation (9))+
Restaurant_NumNumber of restaurants within the PCA+
College_NumNumber of colleges within the PCA+
Hospital_NumNumber of hospitals within the PCA+
Shopping_NumNumber of shopping stores within the PCA+
Financial_NumNumber of financial institutions within the PCA+
Scenic_spot_NumNumber of scenic spots within the PCA+
Ext_hub_NumNumber of external traffic hubs within the PCA
Parking_NumNumber of parking spaces within the PCA
Recreational_NumNumber of recreational spots within the PCA+
Gov_Agency_NumNumber of government agencies within the PCA+
Hotel_NumNumber of hotels within the PCA+
Road_LenLength of road within the PCA
Auto_domi_LenLength of automobile-dominated road (freeway and arterial road) within the PCA
Dis_to_centersMinimum linear distance from a station to all city centers
Dis_to_stationAverage linear distance between stops and stations within the 500 m station buffer
Bus_line_NumNumber of bus lines within the 500 m station buffer+
Bus_stop_NumNumber of bus stops within the 500 m station buffer+
Dummy_terminalWhether the station is a terminal station (yes = 1; no = 0)+
Dummy_line_transferWhether the station is a transfer station between metro lines (yes = 1; no = 0)+
Dummy_modal_transferWhether the station is a transfer station between different traffic modes (yes = 1; no = 0)+
Dummy_CBDWhether the station is located in CBD (yes = 1; no = 0)
Dis_between_adj_stationThe adjacent linear distance between stations+
J_AccessibilityThe accessibility of jobs from other stations (equation (7))+
P_AccessibilityThe accessibility of working-age people from other stations (equation (8))+