Research Article

Research on a Shared Bicycle Deposit Management System Based on Blockchain Technology

Algorithm 3

Hash each transaction, build Merkle tree, and compute the Merkle root.
(1)READ: Transactions
(2)For all transactions
(3)hash[i]=create Hash(transaction[i])
(4)For all hashes in each level
(5)if number of hashes = even then
(6) Hash[i]=create Hash(hash[i]+hash[i])
(8)if! Last Hash then
(9)  hash[i]=create Hash(hash[i]+hash[i+1])
(11)  hash[i]=create Hash(hash[i]+hash[i])
(12)end if
(13)if level=last then
(14)  rootvalue=hash[i]
(15)end if
(16)end if