Research Article

Air Transportation Direct Share Analysis and Forecast

Table 1

Feature category and features.


O&D feature category
directShareQLagQuarterly lag of directShare
directShareYLagYearly lag of directShare
ODPaxLagYearly lag of O&D quarterly total passenger
OrgPaxLagYearly lag of quarterly departing passengers at the origin airport
DestPaxLagYearly lag of quarterly arrival passengers at the destination airport
MidPaxLagYearly lag of connecting passengers at the most chosen connecting airport on the O&D
ConnectOrgLagQuarterly lag of connections from the origin airport
ConnectDestLagQuarterly lag of connections to the destination airport
ConnectMidLagQuarterly lag of one-connect itineraries using the most chosen connect airport as the connect
SchDepLagQuarterly lag of scheduled departures on the O&D
CarrierNumLagQuarterly lag of number of carriers on the O&D
LegacyShareLagQuarterly lag of the ratio of passengers carried by legacy airlines on the O&D

Air travel feature category
AverageFareLagQuarterly lag of average airfare on the O&D
AverageMileLagQuarterly lag of average miles flown on the O&D
RelativeFareLagQuarterly lag of relative airfare on the O&D
RelativeMileLagQuarterly lag of relative miles flown on the O&D

Socioeconomic feature category
IncomeOrgLagQuarterly lag of personal income of origin city
IncomeDestLagQuarterly lag of personal income of the destination city
WeightedIncomeLagQuarterly lag of weighted personal income on the O&D