Research Article

A Dynamic Bayesian Network-Based Real-Time Crash Prediction Model for Urban Elevated Expressway

Table 1

Information of the nine alternative variables.


TPIThe average TPI of the whole expressway within 5 min interval
VThe average speed of current segment within 5 min interval (km/h)
U_VThe average speed of upstream segment within 5 min interval (km/h)
D_VThe average speed of downstream segment within 5 min interval (km/h)
QThe volume of current segment within 5 min interval (pcu/h)
U_QThe volume of upstream segment within 5 min interval (pcu/h)
D_QThe volume of downstream segment within 5 min interval (pcu/h)
VisibilityThe horizontal visibility within one hour (km)
WeatherThe weather type in one hour, rainy or sunny