Research Article

Parking Demand vs Supply: An Optimization-Based Approach at a University Campus

Table 9

ILP for parking optimization.

ILP elementsDetailsDescription

Decision variableXi,j,kNumber of vehicles assigned to the ith parking lot from jth category at kth time interval
Objective function: probability of parking in the ith parking lot by jth category at kth time interval
Constraint 1Capacity of Z1 must be considered;
indicates percent of vehicle stay in Z1 from time interval x to y
Constraints 2 to 9 are the same as constraint 1 but for parking lots 2 to 9
Constraint 10Z1 must be available for the related staff (based on Table 6); Aj,k is the number of applicants from category j at time interval k for Z1
Constraints 11 to 18 are the same as constraint 10 but for parking lots 2 to 9
Constraint 19Parking spaces must be available for the staff who are applicants from S1 at time interval k;
are the total number of applicants from S1 at time interval k
Constraints 20 to 34 are the same as constraint 19 but for departments 2 to 16
Constraint 35Number of parking spaces devoted to students of S1 at time interval k must be less than applicants from this department;
a1,k is the number of applicants from department 1 at time interval k
Constraints 36 to 46 are the same as constraint 35 but for departments 2 to 12
Constraint 47Parking spaces devoted to students of S1 must be divided in this manner at each time interval: 60% Ph.D. students, 30% M.Sc, and 10% B.Sc
Constraints 48 to 58 are the same as constraint 47 but for departments 2 to 12