Research Article

Automatic Scaling Mechanism of Intermodal EDI System under Green Cloud Computing

Algorithm 1

XEDI’s automatic expansion algorithm.
name: autoScalingUp
input: none
output: none
Define variable I: Expansion index; Define variable scalingStrategy: Capacity expansion policy: Non-predictive capacity expansion if the value is 0, predictive capacity expansion if the value is not 0; Define a collection<POD>: POD collections that need to be expanded; Define a collection<EXPOD>: A collection of pods with poor performance; Define a collection<POP>: POD optimization solution set;
 Main-loop {
  retrieve XEDI context from CAT as XEDI.C; //Get the XEDI context from CAT
  //Calculate the average message processing time and average throughput of XEDI
  if ( and ) {
   //POD nodes with normal throughput but abnormal message processing time
   for (step i from 1 to 3) {
    for (each XEDI pod in step i from K8S) {
     retrieve pod. C;
     // Calculate the average data processing time and average throughput of POD
     if ( and ) {
      add this unhealthy pod to collection<EXPOD>;
    report collection<EXPOD> to CAT as performance exception; //Report exception triggers to CAT
    enter next loop;
   If (scalingStrategy = = 0) {
    //According to formulas (2) and (3), qi = 1, the responsive capacity expansion index based
    //on mixed load rate is calculated
   } else {
    //According to formulas (5)–(7), the predictive expansion index was calculated
   if (I > Imax) {
    //Enter the expansion process and get the POD set of XEDI
    for (each XEDI pod in K8S) {
     retrieve pod. C;
     //Avoid frequent POD scaling by cooling-off time
     if (currentTime-pod. lastScalingTime < pod. C. ) {
      enter next loop;
     //Calculate POD expansion index
     If (scalingStrategy = = 0) {
      //According to formulas (2) and (3), qi = 1, the response expansion index based on
      //mixed load rate was calculated
     } else {
      //According to formulas (5)–(7), the predictive telescopic index is calculated
     //Make scaling decisions
     if () {//Calculate and update POD expansion metrics
      If (scalingStrategy = = 0) {
       //In response mode, qi = 1 is calculated according to formulas (2) and (3) to calculate //data grouping processing time and throughput,
       //Queue wait time and response metrics for CPU and memory utilization
       update pod context (
      } else {
       //Predictive mode, according to formulas (4)–(6), calculate data grouping //processing time, throughput, Queue wait times and predictors of CPU and //memory utilization
       update pod context (
      add this pod to collection<POD>;
     //Calculate configuration optimizations for POD collections that need to be scaled up
     for (each pod in collection<POD>) {
      //POD optimization scheme is calculated by queuing theory system
      compute PodOptimizationPlan(pop) for pod by queue system;
      add this pop to collection<POP>;
     //Confirm whether K8S resources meet the expansion conditions
     if (R not adequate for collection<POP> scaling-up) {
     //When the available resources are used up, try to apply for resources from the container
     //cloud and preempt dynamically when the resources are insufficient try to apply resource
     //increment as ;
      if ( == 0) {
       //Performance is abnormal and additional computing resources cannot be
       //requested from the container cloud report resource exhausted exception to
        enter next loop;
     ; ; //Update total resources
      //Allocate resources for POD according to Algorithm2
      call XDRF algorithm for collection<POP> with Rc By XTuning. Scheduler;
     If () {
      //Normal performance without expansion, according to the Algorithm 3 asynchronous
      //trigger shrinkage process
      asyn_invoke auto scaling-down with XEDI.C;