Research Article

Optimal Signal Control Design for Isolated Intersections Using Sample Travel-Time Data

Table 1

List of notations.


Indices and variables
pPhase index, of range
mCycle index, of range
iIndex of vehicles detected by mobile data source during the phase of cycle, of range [1, 2, …… ]
Number of the first vehicle at the downstream location that arrives at the start of the red phase
Number of the last vehicle at the downstream location that is affected by red phase
Time taken to dissipate the queue formed during red of phase of cycle in hours
Time stamp at which vehicle of phase during cycle passes the upstream location
Time stamp at which vehicle of phase during cycle crosses the downstream location
Delay experienced by vehicle of phase of cycle in hours
Jam spacing between and probe vehicles of phase of cycle in km
Maximum queue length from the stop line during queue formation of phase of cycle in km
Number of vehicle on arrival at the downstream location in phase of cycle
Actual backward queue forming shock wave speed of phase of cycle in kmph
Estimated backward queue forming shock wave speed between and vehicles of phase of cycle in kmph
Estimated backward queue forming shock wave speed using probe data of phase of cycle in kmph
Arrival flow rate of phase during cycle in veh/hr
Capacity of phase during cycle in veh/hr
Effective green duration of phase during cycle in veh/hr
Upper bound of effective red duration of phase during cycle in hours
Lower bound of effective red duration of phase during cycle in hours
Upper bound of effective green duration of phase during cycle in hours
Lower bound of effective green duration of phase during cycle in hours
Free-flow speed of vehicles in kmph
Critical density in veh/km
Wave speed in kmph
Jam density in veh/km
Saturation flow rate in veh/hr
Cycle length in hours
Distance between upstream and downstream detector locations corresponding to phase, in km
Average pedestrian crossing time for phase, in hours
Decision variables
Optimal effective red duration of phase of cycle, in hours