Research Article

Fixed-Route vs. Demand-Responsive Transport Feeder Services: An Exploratory Study Using an Agent-Based Model

Table 2

Description of the operator-related output indicators.


Tot. Driven distance [km]DTotal distance travelled by the vehicles during the simulation time
Tot. energy consumption [kWh]TECTotal energy used by the vehicles during the simulation time (energy consumption (EC): automobile 4 pax 0.18 kWh/km (range 250 km)-minivan 6/8 pax 0.3 kWh/km (range 200 km)-minibus 9 seats (20 pax) 0.6 kWh/km (range. 120-150 km) bus 50 seats 1 kWh/km (range. 120 km) TEC = D∙EC
Avg vehicle occupancy [pax]AVOAverage number of passengers per vehicle
Transport intensity [km/pax]TIAverage distance travelled by the service per transported passenger TI = D/(NU∙ACP)
Commercial speed [km/h] = D/ST
% Stopping timeSTRatio between the total time spent by vehicles at the terminal or the stops and the simulation time