Review Article

On the Coevolution of Transposable Elements and Plant Genomes

Figure 1

Frequency distribution for spermatophyta 1C-values. The dataset consists of all angiosperm (6,287) and gymnosperm (204) entries in the Plant DNA C-value database [38] (retrieved 27/05/2011). (a) Comparison of angiosperm and gymnosperm 1C-value frequency distribution. Genomes of spermatophyta were split into categories with 1 Gbp intervals (X-axis); the proportion (percent) of each category (vertical axis) is shown separately for the two groups. Interestingly, angiosperms (  Gbp, ,  Gbp) and gymnosperms (  Gbp, ,   Gbp) do not display similar distributions. Despite the extreme range of 1C-values, 95% of flowering plants fall within 0–22 Gbp. The range of gymnosperm 1C-values is smaller; however, the overall genome size is higher, with 95% of species falling within 7–33 Gbp. (b) Higher resolution of angiosperm 1C frequency distribution. -axis shows genome size categories with 0.2 Gbp increments and the vertical axis indicates the proportion of each category (percent). Mean and median values are indicated by the red and green line, respectively. The mean of the first half of the histogram (left to the median) is 1.049 Gbp; the mean of the second half is larger (not indicated). Hence, the average “small” (<2.4 Gbp) and “large” (>2.4 Gbp) angiosperm genomes are ~1 Gbp and ~10 Gbp long, respectively. Modal interval (0.4–0.6 Gbp) includes 8.38% of flowering plants.