Research Article

Arbuscular Mycorrhizal and Dark Septate Endophyte Fungal Associations in South Indian Aquatic and Wetland Macrophytes

Table 4

values for the two-way analysis of variance for arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) and dark septate endophyte (DSE) fungal colonization variables in south Indian aquatic and wetland plant species.

SourceAM fungal colonization#DSE fungal colonization##

Species13,84 293.32***309.32***181.64***195.18***13.71***2,24 65.54***373.42***108.65***
Site 3,84 55.86***511.57***174.712***288.67***60.32***2,24 28.08***102.06***109.17***
Species × site 4,84 284.51***665.64***169.11***17.59***49.38***1,24 2.42*981.89***103.87***

%RLH, %RLV, %RLAC, %RLHC, and %RLTC: percentage root length with hyphae, vesicles, arbusculate coils, hyphal coils, and total colonization, respectively.
##%RLDSH, %RLMi/Mo, and %RLDTC: root length with dark septate endophyte hyphae, microsclerotia/moniliform hyphae, and total colonization, respectively.
*, ***Significant at and , respectively.