Review Article

University Education in Human Nutrition: The Italian Experience—A Position Paper of the Italian Society of Human Nutrition

Table 1

First-cycle and second-cycle Italian university degrees in which education in human nutrition is essential or very useful.

First-cycle degrees (L)

L-2BiotecnologieBiotechnology science
L-13Scienze BiologicheBiological sciences
L-22Scienze Delle Attività Motorie e SportiveScience of physical activity and sport
L-26Scienze e Tecnologie AlimentariFood science and technologies
L-29Scienze e Tecnologie FarmaceutichePharmaceutical sciences and technologies
L/SNT3Laurea in Professioni Sanitarie Tecniche–DietistaTechnical health professions–dietitian
L/SNT1Professioni Sanitarie Infermieristiche e Professione Sanitaria OstetricaHealth care nursing professions and healthcare obstetric profession

Second-cycle degrees (LM)

LM-7Biotecnologie AgrarieAgricultural biotechnology
LM-13Farmacia e Farmacia IndustrialePharmacy and Industrial pharmacy (single-cycle degree)
LM-41Medicina e ChirurgiaMedicine (single-cycle degree)
LM-61Scienze Della Nutrizione UmanaScience of human nutrition
LM-67Scienze e Tecniche Delle Attività Motorie Preventive e AdattateSciences and techniques of preventive and adaptive physical activity
LM-68Scienze e Tecniche Dello SportSport sciences and techniques
LM-70Scienze e Tecnologie AlimentariFood science and technologies

L: Laurea (degree); LM: Laurea Magistrale (magister degree).