Research Article

Censored Data Analysis Reveals Effects of Age and Hepatitis C Infection on C-Reactive Protein Levels in Healthy Adult Chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes)

Table 4

Expected hsCRP level (mg/L) by decade of life, in 7 CDA datasets.

Dataset10–19 yo20–29 yo30+ yo

K-M standard0.66
Casewise deletion0.84
Substitution: QL0.65
Substitution: QL/20.54
Substitution: Zero0.10
MLE 0.56
Multiple imputation0.550.580.71

Expected level of hsCRP (mg/L) by decade of life. For datasets wherein decade of life was not statistically significant, group means were not relevant, cells were combined, and the single cell entry reflects the single overall mean. Number for the KM standard refers to estimated median level. All others refer to estimated means.