Research Article

A Simple Technique to Estimate the Flammability Index of Moroccan Forest Fuels

Table 2

Pearson correlation-coefficient matrix of the means of time-to-ignition (MTI), time of combustion (MTC), and flame height (MFH), the ignition frequency (IF) and the moisture content (H) measured on 17 Moroccan tree and shrub species. This correlation analysis was done on 145 observations, and each observation is the mean of 50 flammability tests [22, 24].

Variable parametersMTI [s]MTC [s]MFH [cm]IF [%]Moisture content H [%]

MTI [s]1
MTC [s]−0,58***1
MFH [cm]−0,71*** 0,13 n.s.1
IF [%]−0,89*** 0,65*** 0,51***1
Moisture content H [%] 0,85***−0,34* −0,81*** −0,61***1

*Significant effect ( ); ***very highly significant effect ( ); n.s., no significant effect ( ).