Research Article

Nature of Communication Ineffectiveness Inherent in the Procurement Systems on Mass Housing Projects

Table 3

Constructs and final Items (procurement systems (PS) features).

CodeUnstandardized coefficient ()Standardized coefficient ()Standard errorFactor loadings value square Sig-valueRemarksCronbach CoefficientRho Coefficient

PS20.6540.6740.0450.67414.5330.6460.000 0.705 0.723

Robust fit indexes for procurement systems (PS) features
Fit indexCut-off valueEstimateRemarks

S – Bχ29.3512
df > 0.004Acceptable fit
CFI (acceptable),  
(good fit)
0.998Good fit
GFI (acceptable),  
(good fit)
0.998Good fit
SRMR (acceptable),  
(good fit)
0.008Good fit
RMSEA (acceptable),  
(good fit)
0.002Good fit
RMSEA 90% CI(0.000, 0.078)Good fit
value0.839Good fit

Robust statistical significance at 5% level; parameter estimates are based on standardized solutions.