Research Article

Renovation versus New Construction and Building Decision Tool for Educational Facilities

Table 5

Site considerations section categories of decision support criteria.

Category 1: initial survey of site

DescriptionDetermining the level of effort needed to address items requiring attention in the site survey
ElementsEasements, right-of-way, drainage patterns, elevations, benchmark control systems, elevations, access and curb cuts, proximity to drainage ways, flood plains, below grade structures and utilities, trees and vegetation, existing building locations and conditions, wetlands, and mass transit

Category 2: geotechnical survey

Description Evaluating the existing geotechnical site and determining the level of work effort to improve items needing attention from survey
Elements Depth to bedrock, site description, soil potential, fault line locations, spoil area for excess soil, seismic requirements, water table elevation, floor plain analysis, ground water, bearing capacities, paving design options, and overall site analysis

Category 3: regulatory permits

Description Assessing the level of effort needed to meet requirements
Elements Construction, signage, environmental, historical issues, accessibility, demolition, setback, fire, building occupancy, transportation, and antiterrorism standards

Category 4: environmental impact

Description Performing environmental assessment to define the level of effort needed to improve issues found
Elements Archeological and environmental permits, existing contamination, ground water monitoring, existing problems, noise/vibration requirements, detention requirements, and erosion/sediment control

Category 5: worker safety

Description Taking into account fire and life safety related items to determine the level of effort necessary to improve or implement the proper requirements
Elements Fire monitors and hydrants, access and evacuation plan, emergency medical building availability, security considerations, and onsite medical care