Review Article

Photocatalysis: Oxidative Processes in Water Treatment

Figure 5

The dependence of the initial velocity ( ) of DCPA photocatalytic oxidation by atmospheric oxygen on initial concentration of the DCPA ( ) in the aqueous suspensions Fe2O3  (0,5 wt.%)—TiO2  (1), TiO2  (2), and Fe2O3  (3) a composite system based on in water (pH 4.5) (a); photo generation of H2O2 in aqueous suspension Fe2O3 (1 wt%)—TiO2, (1 g μM−3) in an oxygen atmosphere under UV light (high-pressure mercury UV lamp SVD-120, 380–400 nm) at pH: 1–6.0; 2–3.0; 3–9.0 (b).