Research Article

Phenolic Contents and Antioxidant Potential of Crataegus Fruits Grown in Tunisia as Determined by DPPH, FRAP, and β-Carotene/Linoleic Acid Assay

Table 1

Phenolics contents in different crude part extracts of red and yellow Crataegus.

Source of extract
Variety Peel PulpSeed

Total phenolicsaC. monogyna
C. azarolus

Total flavonoidsbC. monogyna
C. azarolus

ProanthocyanidinscC. monogyna
C. azarolus

Total anthocyaninsdC. monogyna 0
C. azarolus 000

Total phenol: Folin-Ciocalteu, in mg eq. gallic acid/100 g DW.
Flavonoids: AlCl3 method, in mg eq. rutin/100 g DW.
Anthocyanins: direct colorimetry in mg eq. cyanidin-3-O-glucoside/100 g DW.
Procyanidins: butanol-HCl methods, in mg eq. cyanidins/100 g DW.