Research Article

Modulation of Human Colostrum Phagocyte Activity by the Glycine-Adsorbed Polyethylene Glycol Microspheres

Table 3

Intracellular Ca2+ release by mononuclear (MN) and polymorphonuclear (PMN) colostrum phagocytes in the presence of glycine adsorbed to PEG microsphere indicated by fluorescence intensity.

Intensity of fluorescence
Colostrum phagocytes (%; mean sd)

Glycine *
PEG microsphere * *
PEG glycine *+ *+

The results represent the mean and SD of five experiments with cells of different individuals. * compared the treated cells with cells nontreated, considering the same kinds of phagocytes. + compared the different treatment, considering the same kinds of phagocytes. indicates differences between types of phagocytes, considering the same treatment.