Research Article

Monitoring Aclonifen Remediation in Soil with a Laboratory-Scale Research

Table 1

Physical and chemical characteristics of the soil sample.

Characteristics of the SoilUnitMethodsResult of the analysisEvaluation of soil characteristics for sunflower growing

pHRichards [13]7.6Mild alkali

Lime%Tüzüner [14]16.6Low
SaltRichards [13]0.05Unsalted
SaturationTüzüner [14]64Clayed loamy
Organic substanceWalkley and Black [15]2.1Moderate
Total nitrogen (Kjeldahl) Bremner [16]0.1Moderate
Cation exchange capacity (CEC)Sodium acetate, Tüzüner [14]31.50Sufficient
SiltBouyoucos [17]5Low

Extractable PKg K2O/daKacar and Kovancı [18]43.70High
Extractable KKacar [19]49.10Sufficient

Extractable FeppmDTPA-ICP2.97 Sufficient
Extractable Mn1.67
Extractable Zn0.79
Extractable Cu0.65