Research Article

Equilibrium Measurements of the NH3-CO2-H2O System: Speciation Based on Raman Spectroscopy and Multivariate Modeling

Table 2

Vibrational assignments of (NH4)2CO3, NH4HCO3, and H2NCOONH4 aqueous solutions, and omitted frequencies in the respective PLS-R models. Adapted from the data of Wen and Brooker [10].

Frequency Assignment Omitted frequencies for the PLS-R anion model

3390Antisymmetric N-H stretch of NH3XXX
3310Symmetric N-H stretch of NH3XXX
3220Fermi resonance with N-H symmetry stretch of NH3XXX
3050Symmetric N-H stretch of XXX
2850A combination of fundamentals of XXX
1690NH2 deformation of XXX
1645Antisymmetric deformation of NH3X
1630C-O antisymmetric stretch of X
1550Antisymmetric CO2 stretch of X
1436, 1380CO antisymmetric stretch of X, XX, XX, X
1430Antisymmetric NH2 deformation of XXX
1405Symmetric CO2 stretch of XXX
1360CO symmetric stretch of XX
1302C-OH bend of XXX
1120CN stretch of XXX
1065CO symmetric stretch of XX
1034NH2 wag of XX
1017C-OH stretch of XXX
680CO2 antisymmetric deformation of XXX
640(OH)-CO bend of XXX
570Torsion about CO2 skeleton of XXX