Research Article

Acetylation Modification Improves Immunoregulatory Effect of Polysaccharide from Seeds of Plantago asiatica L.

Figure 1

Ac-PLCP increased the expression of MHC II molecules on DCs. Immature DCs were treated with 100 μg/mL PLCP or Ac-PLCPs for 48 h. Then, the expression levels of MHC II molecules were determined by flow cytometry. The data were shown as mean fluorescence intensity (MFI). Compared with medium group, DCs treated with PLCP expressed higher level of MHC II molecules. While compared with the PLCP group, significant increases in MFI were observed in Ac-PLCP II, III, and IV groups. The results shown were from one representative experiment of three independent experiments performed. compared to the PLCP group; compared to the PLCP group.