Review Article

Overview of Current and Future Perspectives of Saudi Arabian Natural Clinoptilolite Zeolite: A Case Review

Table 3

Collected conditions and parameters for the temperature-programmed desorption of ammonia analysis, over natural zeolite [95].


(1) Detector
 Thermal conductivity detector (TCD)

(2) Gas supplies
 Helium with a mixture of NH3 in argon5 vol.% NH3/Ar

(3) Sample amount0.4 g

(4) Temperature program
 Temperature startTStart = 25°C
 Temperature rate (dT/dt)20°C/min
 Reached up to temperatureT = 600°C
 Holding timet = 1 min

(5) Cooling temperatureTcooling = 40°C

(6) Sample saturations7 vol.% NH3/Ar
 Steam: helium with a mixture of NH3 in argon temperature of sample saturationTsample saturation = 40°C
 Holding timetholding = 305 min

(7) Temperature increaseTo 100°C
 Temperature rate20°C/min,

(8) Temperature desorbed NH3from the sampleT = 100°C–400°C