Review Article

An Overview of the Main Trends in the Creation of Biodegradable Polymer Materials

Table 2

Methods for assessing the biological degradation of polymer composite materials.

МеthоdThe essence of the methodExperiment timeExperimental conditionsApplied culturesStandard

Mycological testDetermination of material resistance to the effects of mold cultures28 daysTemperature 29 ± 2°С Humidity over 90% Illumination 200–300 lxMold and microscopic fungiISО 846 ASTM G 21-2015 State standard 9.049–91

Bacterial testDetermination of material resistance to bacteria culturesTemperature 20°С Humidity over 58% Illumination 200–300 lxBacterial cellsISО 846

Biodegradability of insoluble substancesDetermination of the amount of O2 absorbed during aerobic degradation4 monthsAnaerobic conditions, buffer mineral medium, solid mediumInoculant from activated sludge or waste waterISO 10708 OECD 301 D

Free space test at 25/50°СDetermination of the amount of CO2 released during incubation of the material48 daysTemperature 25−50°С, Humidity 60−70%, Illumination 200–300 lx, Anaerobic environmentMixed population of microorganismsASTM D5988-96 OECD 301 A

Shturm methodDetermination of the released CO2 in the process of material degradation6 monthsTemperature 20−25°С, Illumination 200–300 lx, Water solution, Aerobic environmentFungal or bacterial floraISO 9439, ISO 14852, DIN EN 29439, ASTM D 5209

Determination of released СО2 (aerobic test in compost)Determination of released CO2 in the process of material degradation in compost6 monthsAerobic environment, Compost based on the organic fraction of municipal solid wasteAerobic bacteriaISO 14855, ASTM D 6400

Determination of the degree of decomposition in compostDetermination of the degree of decomposition of material in a model industrial compost90 daysTemperature 58 ± 2°С, Air exchange, Darkness or stray light, Industrial compostInoculant, thermophilic bacteriaISO 16929, ISO 20200, BS EN 14045

Soil testDetermination of absorbed О2 or released СО2 in the process of material degradation in natural soil of the upper layer of fields6 monthsTemperature 28 ± 2°С, Soil moisture 30 ± 5%, pH − 7.5, Soil biological activity coefficient 0.65−1.5Soil microorganismsISO 17556, DIN 53739, State standard 9.060–75