Research Article

Fuzzy-Based Adaptive Hybrid Burst Assembly Technique for Optical Burst Switched Networks

Algorithm 1

Fuzzy-based adaptive hybrid burst assembly (FAHBA) algorithm.
(1) Begin  Initialization
(2) Timer = ;                   // is the timer threshold in seconds
(3) Length = ;                 // is the length threshold in bytes
(4) Load = 0;                     //Load at the assembler
(5) MinBurstLength = ;                // is minimum burst size
(6) newTimer = newLength = 0;
(7) perSecondTraffic = 0;                  //Load accumulator
(8) setFuzzyMicroTimer();                // seconds micro-timer
(9) setFuzzyMacroTimer();              // seconds macro-timer
(10) setTimer(Timer);               //Set the assembler Timer threshold
(11) setLength(Length);               //Set the assembler Length threshold
(12) End  Initialization
(13) while  (IsTrafficStillArriving?) do
(14)  perSecondTraffic = perSecondTraffic + packetSize;
(15)  if ((getTimer() == Timer) OR (getLength() == Length)) then
(16)   Call   hybridBurstAssembler() Return   burst;        //generate a burst
(17)   setTimer(Timer);                  //reset the timer
(18)   setLength(Length);              //reset the length counter
(19)  end  if
(20)  if  (getFuzzyMicroTimer() == ) then
(21)  setFuzzyMicroTimer();
(22)  Load = perSecondTraffic;
(23)  Call   FuzzyEngine(Timer, Length, Load) Return   newTimer, newLength;
(24)  if (newLengthMinBurstLength) then
(25)    Length = MinBurstLength;
(26)    Timer = newTimer;
(27)  else
(28)     Length = newLength;
(29)     Timer = newTimer;
(30)   end  if
(31)  end  if
(32)  if (getFuzzyMacroTimer() == ) then
(33)   setFuzzyMacroTimer();           //reset the fuzzy macro-timer
(34)   Load = perSecondTraffic;
(35)   perSecondTraffic = 0;                  //reset to zero
(36)  end  if
(37) end  while