Research Article

Assessing Contact Graph Routing Performance and Reliability in Distributed Satellite Constellations

Algorithm 2

CGR: Identify proximate node list.
   input: bundle to forward , contact plan , route list , excluded nodes ,
   output: proximate nodes list
()  if    is empty  then
(2)        loadRouteList  ;
(3)  ;
(4)  for    do
(5)     if    then
(6)         continue  (ignore past route)
(7)     if    then
(8)         continue  (route arrives late)
(9)     if    then
(10)        continue  (not enough capacity)
(11)   if    then
(12)        continue  (next hop is excluded)
(13)   if  then
(14)        continue  (outbound queue depleted)
(15)   for    do
(16)        if    then
(17)         if    then
(18)          replace with
(19)         else if    then
(20)          continue  (previous route was better)
(21)         else if    then
(22)          replace with
(23)         else if    then
(24)          continue  (previous route was better)
(25)         break
(26)   if    then
(27)        ;
(28)        ;
(29) return