Research Article

: MCDM-Based Interest Forwarding and Cooperative Data Caching for Named Data Networking

Algorithm 1

The proposed MCDM-based Interest forwarding.
Result: The highest ranked outgoing interface
M, , , , , , , , :
 Defined before;
and : A router and an outgoing interface j;
: A round-trip time of at ;
: A NACK ratio of at ;
: An interface utilization ratio of at ;
: A packet containing a name of data content (name), packet type (type), and a hop count to packet initiator (hop). Here, type can be either Interest, Data, or NACK;
  When receives a from :
   Update ;
  When receives a from :
   Update ;
  When forwards a through :
   Update ;
  When has an Interest packet to forward:
   Retrieve , , and ; Create M;
   Calculate according to equation (2);
   Calculate according to equation (3);
   Calculate and according to equations (4) and (5), respectively;
   Calculate according to equation (6);
     Rank all outgoing interface alternatives in terms of ;
     Select the highest ranked outgoing interface to forward Interest;