Research Article

Towards a Scalable and Adaptive Learning Approach for Network Intrusion Detection

Table 1

The list of selected attributes.

SNOAttributesData typeDescription

1num_failed_loginsContinuousNumber of failed login attempts
2logged_inDiscrete1 if successfully logged in, 0 otherwise
3UrgentContinuousNumber of urgent packets
4dst_bytesContinuousNo. of data bytes from destination to source
5root_shellDiscrete1 if root shell is received, 0 otherwise
6dst_host_srv_diff_host_rateContinuous% of connections to different destination machines, among the connections aggregated in dst_host_srv_count
7ServiceDiscreteNetwork service on destination like http and telnet
8serror_rateContinuous% of connection with SYN errors
9srv_serror_rateContinuous% of same connection with SYN errors
10same_srv_rateContinuous% of connection with same services
11rerror_rateContinuous% of connection with REJ errors
12CountContinuousNo. of cons to same host as the current con in past 2 sec
13protocol_typeDiscreteType of protocol like tcp and udp
14num_file_creationsContinuousNo. of file creations
15srv_diff_host_rateContinuous% of con to diff. host
16DurationContinuousLength of connections in seconds
17is_guest_loginDiscrete1 if guest is logged in, 0 otherwise
18wrong_fragmentContinuousNo. of wrong fragments
19is_host_loginDiscrete1 if host is logged in, 0 otherwise