Research Article

16α-Hydroxyfriedelin and 3-Oxo-16-methylfriedel-16-ene as Building Blocks: Crystal Structure and Hirshfeld Surfaces Decoding Intermolecular Contacts

Table 1

Crystal data, data collection details, and structure refinement results for compounds 1 and 2.

Molecular formula C30H50O2C30H48O1
Formula weight 442.70424.78
Crystal system Orthorhombic Monoclinic
Space group P212121P21
Unit cell dimensionsa = 13.6119(10) Åa = 13.2220(12) Å
b = 6.3245(2) Åb = 6.2492(8) Å, = 106.03(2)°
c = 29.260(2) Åc = 15.6054(19) Å
Volume2519.0(3) Å31237.3(2) Å3
Density (calculated)1.167 Mg/m31.140 Mg/m3
Absorption coefficient0.070 mm−10.066 mm−1
Crystal size  mm3  mm3
Theta maximum2.99 to 25.36°3.63 to 25.41°
Reflections collected144144392
Completeness to theta98.1%98.5%
Independent reflections2629 [R(int) = 0.1900]2464 [R(int) = 0.1235]
Goodness of fit on 0.9961.042
Final indices [ ] = 0.0599, = 0.1181 = 0.0737, = 0.1352
indices (all data) = 0.1169, = 0.1414 = 0.1354, = 0.1568
Largest diff. peak and hole0.251 and −0.256 e·Å−30.182 and −0.201 e·Å−3