Research Article

Hedge-Algebra-Based Phase-Locked Loop for Distorted Utility Conditions

Box 1

Input: (i) Simulation model ‘HACPLLfinal.slx’ suitable type for the expected disturbance;
   (ii) ; // I is an individual of the population under consideration
Output: The optimized HAC: ‘opHAC’;
  Initialize parameters of the simulation model;
  Initialize parameters of the GA:
   num_var = number of variables;
   pop_size = population size;
   num_gen = number of generation;
   time_limit = time value; // to limit the running time of the algorithm GA(opHAC)
  Initialize an initial population;
   m = 1; t = 0;
   while ((m ≤ num_gen) and (t ≤ time_limit))
    for each individual Im in the population
     call simulation model: ‘HACPLLfinal.slx’;
     compute ;
    m = m+1;
    Perform genetic operators;