Research Article

Soft Sensor Modeling of Key Effluent Parameters in Wastewater Treatment Process Based on SAE-NN

Table 1

Variables selected for the soft sensor.

Attribute no.CommentsAttributes

1Input flow to the plantQ-E
2pH input to the plantPH-E
3Suspended solids input to the plantSS-E
4Volatile input suspended solids into the plantSSV-E
5Plant input sedimentsSED-E
6Biological oxygen demand input for primary settlersBDO-P
7Suspended solids input into primary settlersSS-P
8Biological oxygen demand input for secondary settlersDBO-D
9Chemical oxygen demand input for secondary settlersDQO-D
10pH outputpH-S
11Biological oxygen demand outputDBO-S
12Chemical oxygen demand outputDQO-S
13Input performance biological oxygen demand in primary settlersRD-DBO-P
14Input performance biological oxygen demand in secondary settlerRD-DBO-S
15Input performance chemical oxygen demand in secondary settlersRD-DQO-S
16The output of global quality biological oxygen demandRD-DBO-G
17The output of global quality chemical oxygen demandRD-DQO-G
18The output of global quality suspended solidsRD-SS-G
19The output of global quality sedimentsRD-SED-G