Research Article

Efficient Prime Counting and the Chebyshev Primes

Table 2

Gauss’s and Riemann’s approximation and the approximation . Compare to table III, page 35 in [1].

Planat and Sol error Riemann’s error Gauss’s error

1,000,000 0.79 30 130
2,000,000 −0.13 −8.0 121
3,000,000 1.83 1.8 121
4,000,000 1.28 35 130
5,000,000 0.36 −62 121
6,000,000 2.91 25 121
7,000,000 0.03 −36 130
8,000,000 2.99 −4.7 121
9,000,000 1.73 −51 121
10,000,000 −0.37 90 339