Research Article

Phlorizin Prevents Glomerular Hyperfiltration but not Hypertrophy in Diabetic Rats

Table 3

Inulin clearances (GFR) in the experimental groups: C= control, D= diabetic, DPLZ = phlorizin-treated diabetic rats, CPLZ = phlorizin-treated controls. Cinulin= clearance of inulin, Bwt0= initial body weight, V= urine flow rate during clearance experiment, MBP = mean blood pressure. Clearance values were normalized to 100 g of initial body weight. Results are expressed as mean ± SEM and compared using student's t-test.

Control (n=7)Diabetic (n=5)DPLZ (n=5)CPLZ (n=5)

Cinulin (ml·min-1·100 g-1) 0.47±0.020.84±0.1**0.43±0.05#0.61±0.07
Bwt0 (g) 203.2±5.6196.2±1.5200.2±3.8200±2.7
V (μl·min-1·100 g-1) 5.6±0.59.6±1.3*13.±3.1*6±0.7
MBP (mmHg)126.6±3.3123.9±4.2121.8±2.2123.0±2.3

=*P<.05, =**P<.01 compared to control. =#P<.01 compared to diabetic.