Research Article

Skeletal Muscle Sorbitol Levels in Diabetic Rats with and without Insulin Therapy and Endurance Exercise Training

Table 1

Mean blood glucose, dose of NPH daily insulin administration, and final body weight by group. Data are expressed as means SEM. different from CE and CS. different from DS. different from CE, CS, DE, and DS groups. different from all other groups. EDL: extensor digitorum longus, SOL: Soleus.

Groups ( )Blood glucose (mg/dl)NPH Insulin (IU)Body weight (g)EDL (g)SOL (g)

Diabetes sedentary no insulin, DSNI (6) ā€”
Diabetic sedentary, DS (9) 0.226 + 0.03
Diabetic exercise, DE (8)
Control sedentary, CS (8) ā€”
Control exercise, CE (8) ā€”